If you have suffered an injury on the property of another person, company, or organization, you should discuss the facts surrounding your injury with a knowledgeable attorney before you talk to an insurance company. Do not give any recorded statement to the insurance company. Anything you say to an insurance company representative can be used in attempts by their lawyers to dismiss or reduce your claim. The attorneys at Adler & Adler, P.C. possess 70 years of combined experience and knowledge required to protect your rights in a personal injury or workers’ compensation claim that involves premises liability matters.

The most common premises liability injuries include:

  • Slips, Trips, & Falls
  • Dog & Animal Bites
  • Unlit Stairwells
  • Lead Paint Poisoning
  • Porch & Stair Collapses
  • Unsafe Construction Sites
  • Elevator Drops
  • Fires & Smoke Inhalation
  • Electrocution
  • Pool & Trampoline Accidents

Slips, Trips & Falls

The most common slip and fall injuries occur inside buildings due to wet floors or spilled liquid. Trip and fall injuries are commonly caused when a victim trips over construction debris, worn carpet in offices, or a damaged step on a stairway.

Property owners are not necessarily liable just because someone is injured on their property. They are responsible and liable, however, when they cause a hazardous or defective condition on their property, or permit that condition to exist when they know, or should know, the hazard or defect is present. They may be held liable for spilled liquid or dropped debris that they have failed to clean up. They may also be liable even if they did not directly cause the hazardous condition, if it can be shown that the unsafe condition was there long enough for the property owner to reasonably know the hazard existed. A good example of this type of liability would be a spill in a grocery store that a shopper caused, rather than an employee, that is not cleaned up in a reasonable amount of time or a hole or other open hazard on their property that they do not warn of or repair.

Another common occurrence, especially during Illinois winters, is an injury due to a slip and fall on snow or ice. If the snow or ice accumulates naturally, then the owner is not liable. But when the snow or ice accumulates due to an unnatural reason, such as a hole in the sidewalk or a leaking gutter or drainpipe, then the owner becomes liable for the hazard – and liable for the expenses of a slip-and-fall victim.

What to do If You Are Injured in a Fall

When you fall, it is important that you follow these steps at the scene:

  • Immediately Determine What Caused Your Fall: Observe the area around you when you are down, or after you have stood up, and determine exactly what made you fall. Look at it closely so you can describe its shape, color, and substance. If possible, take a picture with your phone.
  • Report Your Fall to the Property Owner or Store Manager: Falling in the middle of a store in front of strangers can be embarrassing, but be sure to let the owner know. File an accident report, even if you are discouraged from doing so by the manager. All major retailers have accident forms. Fill one out and get a copy of the form for yourself, along with the name of the person to whom you spoke.
  • Get Medical Attention: If you need immediate medical attention, have the property owner or manager call an ambulance. Otherwise, visit your own doctor promptly. Be sure to give your doctor a complete history of how you fell.
  • Call Adler & Adler, P.C. (24/7): We can help determine whether or not a property owner is responsible for your injury and help you receive full compensation for your injuries.

Fighting for the Compensation You Deserve

Senior Partners Mark Adler and Valerie Harris Adler bring authoritative, expert knowledge to each injury claim – knowledge that is critical for obtaining full compensation for serious injuries. While many cases are negotiated and settled out of court, we are always prepared to stand up to insurance companies and take a case to trial if doing so will lead to an optimal financial outcome for our client.

While each case is different, compensation depends on many factors, including the severity of the injuries caused by your fall, as well as your recovery time. We work on behalf of our clients to seek maximum compensation for all damages, including:

  • Related Medical Expenses: Hospital & Physician Bills, Prescriptions, Physical Therapy, & Medical Equipment
  • Future Medical Care: Anticipated Surgeries, Long-Term Care, & Rehabilitation
  • Lost Wages & Future Loss of Income &/or Earnings Capacity
  • Pain & Suffering
  • Loss of Limbs & Permanent Impairments
  • Loss of a Normal Life

We can help you recover financial compensation for all types of significant injuries caused by falls, including:

  • Traumatic Brain Injuries
  • Broken Bones &/or Loss of Limbs
  • Organ Damage
  • Spinal Cord Injuries & Paralysis
  • Knee, Neck & Back Injuries